Hi there, I'm Francesco

Computer Scientist

Who am I

Short BIO

Born in 1992 in the northern Italy, I spent 13 years of my life in Rome, from 2005 to 2018. I studied in the capital at the classical high school and then began university studies in philosophy and theology. I graduated in Theology in 2016 and received a master's degree in 2019 in Moral Theology. Since 2019 I began studying Computer Science at the University of Milan where I graduated on April 15, 2024.
I am currently attending the master's degree in Computer Security at the University of Milan.

Activities & Occupation


My passion


Since I was little, music has always been a passion of mine. To tell the truth, it's a family passion. When I was 7 I started playing the piano, attending the music institute which was then based in Gravedona, but at the age of 12 I had to stop due to my move to Rome. After a few years in Rome I started playing the piano again a little, when my study commitments allowed me to. In 2013 I seriously started playing again as a self-taught piano, first the piano, then I began to approach the pipe instrument. I had the opportunity to learn to play the organ at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary, which has an organ of inestimable value with two lateral bodies and a grand organ case at the back of its main church, three electronically controlled keyboards with two consoles and about seventy registers. On one occasion I also had the honor of playing the organ in the Paul VI Hall (also known as the Nervi Hall). Since I returned from Rome to my country in 2018 I have also worked as an organist with a choir, also playing in particular circumstances such as weddings. Music is truly a passion for me and it is the way to express many of my emotions, especially when I write some songs or improvise something, whether on the piano or the organ. I would have liked to continue my studies at the conservatory, but one day perhaps there will be the possibility... never say never


In high school I attended classical high school, and my studies made me fall in love with classical languages, especially Greek and its classics. At my classical high school diploma I brought Sophocles' Antigone as a text in the original language. Even today, more than 10 years after graduating from high school, I have in mind that Greek tragedy that teaches us the importance of women in society, and how much more needs to be done to abolish the gender gap, not so much externally but above all in our minds, in our way of thinking. I am of the opinion that if we studied the Greek classics we would realize that many influencers or scoundrels actually say nothing new.

Anecdotes and thoughts

I wanted to ask if the teacher can give grades

For those who don't know me, I have been teaching in a high school for 5 years, and periodically during the school year there are class councils in which the parents of the students also take part, if their children are minors. Some time ago a colleague had to be absent for a month and a substitute arrived. During the class council a parent asked us teachers this question: "I wanted to ask if Professor S. can grade the students". I don't know what went through my colleagues' minds when they heard this question, but I almost started laughing and immediately looked at the interested colleague who very elegantly replied to this mother "of course". I appreciate your elegance in answering, perhaps I would have been more ironic and would have replied "no, I don't put the votes, I'm just here to get the salary money"
[01 apr 2024]

Another anecdot?

Wait, wait please for the next one
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